Saturday 17 April 2010

Various minutes of the AMC AGM.

We drew some cocks and a fanny.

Above is Simon's idea of what a man has between his legs.

Above is Paul's thoughts of what some men may sometimes wear.

And, finally, Alex's rendition of a fanny.

Simon's drawing also happens to conceal a double image - rather like a classical optical illusion.
With the help of modern computer technology, removing the hips and the leg on the left, one can see the image of a 'coy' duck (left) - rather similar to the Victorian illustration of a duck/rabbit (right)

Thursday 15 April 2010

AMC Arts AGM Adjourned

Thank you Alex and Magda for hosting the annual meeting.

Pork consumption high.

Monday 12 April 2010

Thursday 18 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Eyes of Edward

Edward, who lodges with us, has asked me to post this. He has ( he claims ) the ability to predict the future through drawing. This drawing is titled, 'April in the year of 2010'.